I am such a nerd. Is it bad that as soon as I have money, I want to head straight over to Borders and spend it all? I think they should just direct deposit all my money into a account at Borders. Then I wouldn't have to deal with balancing my checkbook or stuff money stuff like that. By the way, I got a "final notice" email today from the Ames Public Library. I've had books checked out since like the first week of school and so they are like a month and a half late! I think I will return them and then run!! And never check out books there again. Another reason I need to stick to buying my own books. Although the library at home lets me take them back for free on the weekends!! Stupid Ames!!
This weekend is Halloween. I'm so not ready for our Halloween dinner on Saturday. I don't think it helps that our Cru costume roller skate is scheduled the same night. I will be busy in my two costumes and all. I have so much stuff to do this week like research and write my term paper for genetics and research and outline my persuasive speech. Classes are dumb, let me tell you!
But grade-wise I'm not doing too bad this semester. I got a B on my history essay exam last week. Stat and Speech, I have A's in. Genetics is a B, and that's good considering I already have a low test grade that I want to drop. I am thisclose to having a C- in organic. That class may be uber retarded but I have to get at least a straight C. If I get a C-, I have to take it over. I'm already taking the first semester over because of that. Stupid molecule of carbon. I hate you!!
That's all for now, time to get back to work!
you know you love me ;)
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