straight up 2
You people are evil with your evil, evil comments. That's all I have to say.
Great day! You know why? Because I saw someone special at UDCC today. He was there with Tay-Tay and looked at me quite funny-ish-like. It was quite a funny deer-in-the-headlights look though. Highlarous. Plus, I also saw Brian when I was walking from BoJo to Carver after lunch. I started jumping up and down and clapping and I think I scared Miriam, whom I was walking with. Brian was going to work with his Chick-Fil-A though so I didn't get to talk to him. He still owes me two Rockapella tickets though. Who else told me that they were going? I think it was Kristin but I can't remember. Leave me a comment if it was you.
I've missed talking to Megan the past couple days. She was in Chicago for the weekend but I haven't seen her much since she got back. Didn't get to eat lunch with her today because I had to meet someone (actually two someones) at BoJo. We have a date for Thursday lunch though.
That reminds me, Shafina, Saturday lunch. Don't forget. Call on Friday.
TONIGHT IS GILMORE GIRLS!!! Woo hoo, this is the best day of the week. But first I must get through Chem Lab, which I should go do the pre-lab for since I have it in an hour and I'm here at the library to do it.
Micro lab test tomorrow :(
you know you love me ;)
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