Poopdeck Paula 4.12

5.20 p Today I feel like Poopdeck Paula. I don't know who she is or what she does, but if there's a poopdeck somewhere in the world, cleaning it would probably be better than my life right now. I have like a million bajillion things to do this week(yes, that's an exactly number). I have 3 tests this week (took one today though), plus my stupid women's studies project tomorrow. I have to stand at a stupid table and hand out junk. I hate school. I just want this year to be over. I wish I was in France right now. All I have to do is raise, um.... I dunno, like $4,445 more dollars and I'm there. Yeah, that's right, so far I've only raised about $200. On the upside, it looks like my mom's airline miles will cover my plane ticket so I only have to raise half of the four thousand something amount. I just want it all to work out and for me to be in Toulouse .... right .... NOW! Shoot, didn't work! Oh well. Um, maybe I should actually get to doing one of those million bajillion things on my agenda for the day. First, though, dinner! you know you love me ;)
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I don't know you but i most certainly love you, because you are of the female gender, and i love anything with a poontioinonin. I must say that your Diary set up is very trippy, nice.