11.07 p
Feeling: sick
Just finished: watching Gilmore Girls 107 and 108 on my computer
Looking forward to: going to Florida next week and feeling better
Quote of the Day: "The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think--rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men." -- Bill Beattie
Listening to: whoever sings the title of my entry, if you know, you rock my face off
I think I'm coming down with something. Megan says my forehead feels warm but we don't have a thermometer in our room (even though we should've learned our lesson when Megan had that 103 degree fever last semester) so I don't know if I have an actual fever or what. I am so exhausted this weekend. Seriously, I can't do anything or remember anything or even speak correctly. It could be sickness or mental disability. The judge is still out on that one.
I talked to my mom yesterday and she's sending me all the clothes I could dictate to her over the phone that I will want to wear in Florida. Man, I'm so excited, but the closer it gets, the more nervous I get.
We blew a fuse in our room today. I was drying my hair quick and then Megan decides to dry hers. Oops. We even knew not to both blow dry our hair but we still did. Sad. We lost our Mario Party Game that we had been playing in our bath robes and towels. Yes, we are that loser-ish.
So after we blew the fuse, we had to run downstairs and eat quick because the line was closing. When we finished, we came back up and ran all over and called people to try to get an RA to flip the switch so we could have power in our room again. Of course, we try 5 RAs and no one is home!
WHERE ARE ALL THE RAs?!?!? So eventually, we walk up to fourth floor and Lynnea comes down and five seconds later, we have light!! Yes, it's truly a miracle.
I have a problem. A big problem. What am I going to do with my fish over break? I can't leave him here, he will die! I hope I can find somebody to take him!! He needs love and kisses and food only once a day! If you want to adopt the smartest Beta in the world for a week, please let me know! Kitty II needs somewhere to go. I can't let him die! I've had him for a year and 4 months, it would be like a part of me dying. :(

Congratulations! You're Pippin!
Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you? brought to you by Quizilla
"I love to take quizes, I could take quizes for hours. Once I saw a site with a quiz that was called 'are you a quiz whore?' . . . he he he . . . . I didn't take it because I already knew the answer." -- Megan chatting while she's organizing her underwear.
I think I'm going to be a loser and go to bed soon. Because then maybe I will wake up early and feel fantastic and then I will be able to get my poli sci paper done AND study for my organic chem test. But I guess we will see, won't we? I guess we will see . . .
you know you love me ;)