11.49 a
Well, I made it to day one of finals week. Woo hoo to that sister!
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to play chubby bunny with thin mint girl scout cookies. I have. Wondered, that is, not played it exactly. Megan asked me how many thin mints I could fit in my mouth. I had two and there was plenty of room for more, so I'm guessing five would comfortably fit in there. I have a large mouth, what can I say?
Tomorrow is my poli sci exam. I'm not really worried about it. I understand the stuff, I just have to learn it all. I think I'll definitely have time to do that. No cramming for this one because it's not a cummulative final. It's just the third exam. I have to do well on it though because even though I got a 100% and 98% on the two papers, I still have a B. This is supposed to be one of my two easy A classes! Although there are only two people in the class who have above a 90% so maybe it will get scaled.
Other finals: micro (Thursday) and organic chem dundundun (Friday).
Yesterday was the world's longest day. I went to early service with TP at Cornerstone. Then we went to a coffee shop with Anna and studied for three hours. Taco Bell was on the menu for lunch. Then we went to the Rec and worked out. I had to literally jump on a machine because I said if we got there before 3, I would do it. We walked in the door at 2.59.57 They laughed, it was fun. Then I came back and sat around and stared at the TV for a couple hours before we went to Fazoli's for dinner. Chocolate Breadstick Man was there. Then I came back and we studied in Anna's room. Fun times, I'm gonna miss the two other parts of SarRobAnna this summer.
I finally got to sleep in today until 10, woo hoo! Sleep is good!
Now I must go eat and then get my study on.
you know you love me ;)
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