Home again, home again, jiggity jig.
My mom used to say that when we'd get back from a road trip and we'd pull into the driveway. I have no idea what it means but ok.
I'm home, to say the least.
Friday, I ate dinner with TP and chatted. Then I reluctantly drove home. I didn't want to do the driving, I just wanted to BE home. You people who live close to home have no idea. Also, you people who have a CD player in your car have no idea. I am completely and utterly bored the entire time I'm driving home. Seriously, I check the miles every five minutes (the signposts count down to the border of Iowa). I'm like "10294871239043497 miles left, hurrah! I'm so close". Only not.
Yesterday, I basically did nothing except sit on my butt. I did read the entire book of "Away Laughing On A Fast Camel" but for me, that's like a fourth grade reading level and I'm 20 (or, if you will, 15th grade). Later in the evening, I went to Queen of Bingo with my mom. I didn't win the raffle of a turkey in the middle of the play though, so I was sad. Then we went to Barnes and Noble and I bought Phil's birthday present. I also bought The Wedding since it's finally in paperback.
Today, I went to early service and then to Valentino's for my brother's birthday brunch, even though his birthday was on Thursday. It was funny but his banana birthday cake was disgusting. After that, I went to Hancock Fabrics to buy el cheapo fabric to make a canopy for my bed at school. Well, it will sort of be a canopy. I'm just kind of making it up as I go along. It will be whatever it ends up being. I also bought extra fabric to make curtains for my window and some throw pillows or something. I have to have everything done in two weeks since I'm borrowing my grandma's sewing machine for it and she's coming to visit me then.
I finished my garden today. Sort of. It's sort of not my garden anymore and it's sort of not finished yet. There's still extra plants but it's gone as far down the lawn as I wanted it to go. Since I've been gone two and a half weeks, all the flowers have EXPLODED into bloom. I have two daisies, which is all I really care about. :)
Now I must go because I am going out to eat at Sortino's (yummmm yummmmmm) and then going to the late showing of "Vanity Fair". Ciao for now!
you know you love me ;)
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