I put that my mood is saucy but really I'm spicy! Like that Burger King commercial: I'm spicy! Seriously, I'm just about cracking up at the library thinking about it. I came here to get some work done but alas, I cannot copy powerpoint notes if these computers do not have powerpoint. Shame, shame.
This weekend was fun, although I got just about nothing done. I did finally finish my application to go to the Toulouse, France international summer project. I'm very, very excited about that one!! WOO HOO!! C'est ci bonne, non? I'm brushing up on my french. Good thing I have all those old textbooks that weirdo MadMan Swenson was going to throw out and good thing I'm a packrat and I stole them instead of throwing them in the dumpster. That lady was so weird.
ONLY TWO WEEKS UNTIL I TURN 21!! This weekend is TP's 22nd birthday but she doesn't want to have a party or anything (crazy!) so she's planning my party. It's a Napolean Dynamite theme (I'd have to be a freakin idiot not to have that theme) and we are watching the movie, eating tots and drinking 1% milk, and having a Napolean dance party. Everyone is to come in costume of their favorite character. I might even make "Vote for Robin" buttons at the MU basement as they have a button-maker machine. I'm very excited about it, it will be so much fun! BEST DAY OF MY LIFE, WHADDYA THINK??!??!

(Please rate my quiz)
Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Well, that's about all the news from my side of the world. I better go to class now.
you know you love me ;)