I'm in a quizzy mood lately so here's another one. Thanks Beth, who I guess got it from Terri.
A - Act your age? ha ha, no, my mental age has been the same for the last 5 years
B - Born on what day of the week? Tuesday, i think
C - Chore you hate? dishes
D - Dad's name? Tom
E - Essential makeup item? mascara and eyebrow pencil (since i have none)
F - Favorite show? Friends and Simpsons
G - Gold or silver? silver
H - Hometown? Omaha
I - Instruments you play? flute
J - Job title? "housewife", if you will
K - Kids? i like them, want some someday
L - Living arrangements? home right now then back to the dorms to live with my cool friend Megs
M - Mom's name? Kathie
N - Name what you've eaten so far today: a taco, spaghetti-o's, didnt have time for breakfast since i was in a hurry (forgot about VBS)
O - Overnight hospital stays? never been to the hospital
P - Phobia? flocks of birds
Q - Quote you like? "To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." --e e cummings (hey, it was my quote first, beth!)
R - Religious affiliation? Christian, Presbyterian leanings, I say leanings because I was raised as one but wouldn't say I'm a hardcore Presy (that sounds so funny)
S - Siblings? Jessie, 21; Phil, 8
T - Time you wake up? i woke up this morning when Cindy called me at 8:06 and told me I had to be at VBS at 9
U - Unique habit? running in circles around people, giggling really high-pitched like a little girl, it makes Megan almost pee her pants
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat? ha ha ha, that's funny, i only eat corn and carrots, the rest are gross
W - Worst habit in the world? smoking, yuck, it's not my habit though
X - X-rays you've had? dental stuff, my foot when i had a stress fracture, my arm when i hurt it two summers ago
Y - Yummiest food? soft batch cookies
Z - Zillion dollars - what would you do? pay off bills, invest/save some, pay for school, give rest to charity
you know you love me ;)
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