Time in France: 13.09
Time at home: 6.09 a
Listening to: Will Smith, Summertime, but only in my head
Feeling: French, I mean, seriously, could I feel anything but?
Well, party people, I've almost made it through my trip. We are done meeting Frenchies in a week, then we have about 3 days of meetings to debrief in Toulouse. Next Sunday at like 4 AM, we leave Toulouse by train for Paris. We stay there for two and a half days and then most of us leave to come home. About 5 or 6 people are staying after our trip to travel around Europe. But alas, I am not one of them because I am going to Colorado four days after I get home.
It's getting really hot around here. You might think, oh, boo hoo, you are in France, who cares but no, you don't understand. I sweat from like 11 AM until 2 AM the next morning because there is NO air conditioning anywhere. Mike said that his thermometer in his room said 88 degrees in the middle of the night! So yeah, it's warm, we are surrounded by concrete and there's no air. And people smell, don't forget that part!
So I think plans for the Mediterrian are cancelled for this weekend, which makes me sad. Mostly, it's because none of the guys want to go and be surrounded by topless women, which I guess is a good reason but I'm still sad. I guess I will have to return here someday and go to the Mediterrian. Oh well. Plus, that leaves me more time and money to go shopping! I've bought most of the gifts I want to get people but I still have like 2 or 3 left to buy. Now, I just hope I can fit it all in my suitcase. I think I'm going to buy a duffel to carry-on because I have Jason's bike to check, along with my suitcase.
Well, it's about that time, time to go outside and roast and then hopefully I will be able to do laundry tonight so I don't stink anymore, otherwise I'm getting up at 6 AM to do it.
you know you love me ;)
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