Yuck. My pants smell like smoke. I wore them on Saturday when we went bowling. They were clean before so I thought I could wear them but man, they stink.
Got my Micro test results: 92. So here's the score board thus far this semester:
Organic Chem Exam 1: 89
Micro Lab Exam 1: 86
Micro Exam 1: 92
And I took my first poli sci test this morning. But I know that's going to be nowhere near any of those scores. Oh well, I take full credit for whatever score I get.
This weekend is going to be great. Yes, funtastic. He he he.
Only first, I must get through this week. Today is supposed to be my "easy day" but of course, it won't be, I just know it. I have a bazillion things to catch up on. And I have to go copy stuff for the stupid leadership conference next week. STUPID CONFERENCE. Well, I'm sure it's going to be ok but I seriously don't want to go to it, much less run it. I'm not a "leadership conference-y" type person. I'm more like the "be annoyed by the leadership conference people taking over Busch Gardens and singing stupid songs" type person. If you know what I mean. :)
Oh man. I realized last night how truely cool my RA is. Seriously, so cool. I just wish she wasn't too busy to hang out and eat Pokey with us some more. Although laying on the parlor food and talking for hours is not good when you havent really studied for your poli sci test yet. Oh well. I think I'm going to remember the fun times more than the tests. That's fo shiz.
Well, I can feel the stress level decreasing significantly. Done with tests for this week; no tests next week. V-day this weekend :) I feel better already.
you know you love me ;)
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