1. EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS = favorite spice + last (or hopeful) vacation spot:
Vanilla Westby
2. SOCIALITE ALIAS = silliest childhood nickname + town where you first partied:
Sparrow Ralston
3. FLY GURL ALIAS (aka J. Lo.) = first initial + first 2 or 3 letters of your last name:
R. Men (oh that makes me laugh) or, it could be R. Me . . . get it, army? har har har
4. ROCK STAR ALIAS = any liquid on the bar + last name of bad celebrity:
Kahlua Kutcher
5. DIVA ALIAS = something sweet within sight + any liquid in kitchen:
Honey Grapejuice
6. GIRL DETECTIVE ALIAS = favorite baby animal + where you last went to school:
Cygnet Ralston
7. BARFLY ALIAS = Last snack food you ate + your favorite drink:
Cookie Propel
8. SOAP OPERA ALIAS = middle name + first street where you lived:
yeah, this one doesn't work for me, stupid numbered street
9. PORN STAR ALIAS = Name of first childhood pet + last name of favorite teacher:
Sandy Stanley
10. PAGAN FESTIVAL ALIAS = Your Birthstone + Favorite Childhood Stuffed Animal (hyphenated with) Something Growing in Your Yard:
Amethyst Puppy-Lilac
Now that's what I call entertainment!
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