1.10 PM
Man, I really need a life now. I'm OBSESSED with Gilmore Girls!!! NO JOKE!! All I keep thinking is: why won't this stupid computer download faster?!?!? At least yesterday I got 6 things on my list of 18 things done. WOO HOO FOR ME!! Today's list has 19 things. I've done 1 and a half things so far. This sucks.
Today is "Wear it Wednesday". That means that everyone on my floor that bought bandanas for Breast Cancer is supposed to wear theirs today. Megan and I sat next to each other in class with our cool bandaners on and felt cool. They were different shades of pink so we didn't feel like complete nerd-os.
2 days until Fall Getaway! Is it bad that I just can't wait for it to be over so I have one less thing to worry about, one less meeting to attend? I swear, everyone wants a piece of my time. I only have so much people!! And when I actually want to hang out with people, they don't want to have anything to do with me. "Robin who?"
Oh yeah, my name is now also Susan. Actually, my full name is now Susan Robinelle. At least according to my floor. And I think they've also decided I need to lay off the caffeine.
That makes me laugh because little do they know that I'm just high on life!
Oh yeah, word on the street:
I have been accused of having matured since last year!! What the ?!?!? Since when do I ever act mature? I don't know what these people are talking about.
That's all for now, must go to work.
Let's hear it for poultry diseases!
you know you love me ;)