aww lil shnoocums! Trinity iis mah babydoll
Yo yo yo...
i went to sleep at 5 am..and i woke up at 12.
and my damn allergies are acting up and my voice is raspy.....
im eatin survechi. dude ...its sooooo good...
im not eating arrozcon gandules with it....cuz...im too lazy to make it. haahah..actually...heat it up.
if you dont know ..survechi is just any kind of white fish...and you just let it set in lemmon juice for like..and hour with cilanthro and onion...jalapenos...or whatever u want...and the lemon juiice cooks the fish.....omg its so grub dude.
haha..i like to cook
alot. mMmMmM.
cooking is fun lol.
dude. it snowin like crazy! im so happy. snow makes me peaceful. lov eit. rain.......is just ..i duno i lvoe it.
well...i need to finish eatin so later
i'm gunna be in a freshman class!!!gross! i don't always laze around she has me do stuff like run arrends
every day is different because she is director of like the peprallies and every thing else that goes on at school!are you coming to thechristmas play??
tomarrow at 6:00