these are so fun..

Listening to: Extra! Extra!
1. Kissed your cousin: hell no. 2. Ran away: kinda....i didn't get too far. 3. Pictured your crush naked: *does so right now...* just kidding im an angel. really! 4. Skipped school: yeah.... 5. Broken someone's heart: yes. 6. Been in love: yes. 7. Cried when someone died: yes..i hope you do to. 8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yes. 9. Broken a bone: right arm & leg 10. Done something embarrassing: who hasn't? ..well..about..2 hours ago..i was with mick and aaron setting a rabbit trap..and on the way back from the brook..i stepped on the rake and the handle wacked me in tha head...i was laffing to hard to cry.. 11. Lied: yes. *looks down in shame* only to my older sister..i'd go through her shit when i was little and she could tell cause i wasnt good at covering up my tracks.. 12. Cried in school: yeah WHICH IS BETTER 13. Coke or Pepsi: coke 14. Sprite or 7UP:! 15. Girls or Guys: guys guys guys 16. Flowers or Candy: both! only.. candy makes my teeth hurt.....and flowers ...correction *roses* so are romantic.. 17. Scruff or Clean shaved: clean shaven or maybe a five o'clock shadow or even a goatee but no beards or anything.. 18. Blondes or Brunettes: either 19. Bitchy or Slutty: bitchey. i respect people who arent afraid to step up. tackey and..there is no dignity in it at all. 20. Tall or Short: taller than me..that's for dang sure 21. Pants or Shorts: PANTS! on me of course. i hate my legs 22. Night or Day: Night. yeah. WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX 23. What do you notice first: eyes..then smile........... hands..mmmhmmmm 24. Last person you slow danced with: tyler at prom. he was breathing down my neck. ...i can tell you i wasnt melting.. 25. Worst Question To Ask: did you hear me? THE LAST TIME YOU... 26. Showered: this morning 27. Stepped outside: about 3 hours ago and it was hella freezing! 28. Had Sex: i haven't yet. yeah. wow. 29. Romantic memory: i was with will. at his house. 30. Your Good Luck Charm: dont believe in luck. i have my cross though ;) 31. Person You Hate Most: um..the devil yep. GliTCH.i dont hate people. 32. Best Thing That Has Happened: in my life? ....something some wouldnt understand. that is..if they are "non-believers" i guess. 33. On your desk: dvd's ..c'ds reading glasses. which should be on my face right about now.... 34. Picture on your desktop: under my mom's name ..its kokopeli...mine is a bursting star. it looks hella cool FAVORITE... 35. Color: purple/blue/green 36. Movie: GHOST!!!! Edward Scissor Hands..Roxy Carmicheal ...The Color Purple, Witches, Girl Interupted, Little Women, Legend of the Fall, The Outsiders, Stand By Me 37. Artist or band: so many.. 38. Cars: eclipse, billy broco with a roll bar!!! and a hummer. 39. Ice Cream: rocky road all the way baby 41. Breakfast Food: usually..eating breakfast makes me sick..but i loooooooove bacon and toast and breakfast burritos..mmhm yup. only the one's my bro makes. WHO 42. Makes you laugh the most: Naomi, Amanda and john..sarah... nonnie (donnelle) mybabygirl 43. Makes you smile: all of the above.and more to many to name 44. Can make you feel better no matter what: donnelle 45. Has A Crush On You: Nobody, if someone does they better tell me NOW! hehe. 46. Do You Have A Crush On Someome: i guess 47. Who Has it easier? Guys. 48. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: does seeing their name count? DO YOU EVER 49. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: i have. 50. Save AIM conversations: Every now and then 51. Save E-mails: Every now and then 52. Forward secret E-mails: What’s a secret email? 53. Wish you were someone else: i have 54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no. but i wish they could know what having a period is they would understand! 55. Wear perfume: all the time 56. Kiss: yeah 57. Cuddle: thats the best part ;) 58. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: sometimes. HAVE YOU EVER 59. Fallen for your best friend?: yes 60. Made out with JUST a friend?: question. 61. Kissed two people in the same day?: no 62. Had sex with two different people in the same day?: nope 63. Been rejected: yes. 64. Been in love?: Still, a yes. 65. Been in lust?: you could say that. 66. Used someone?: No 67. Been used?: Yes. 68. Cheated on someone?: Never 69. Been cheated on?: i would like to say no. but now im not sure.. 70. Been kissed?: yes siry bob.. wish someone would kiss me right now! 71. Done something you regret?: yeah. but ..cant change the past. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON... 72. You touched?: mom. i scratched her back! 73. You talked to?: my mom. 74. You hugged?: Mick. 75. You instant messaged?: Jon..grrr... 76. You kissed?: my mom 77. You yelled at?: my mom. hahah 78. You thought about?: ..... 79. Who text messaged you?: ryan 80. Who broke your heart?: will 81. Who told you they loved you?: my mom DO YOU... 82. Color your hair? no 83. Have tattoos?: no i hate needles..but ill bear it. 84. Have piercings?: ears 85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope 86. Own a webcam?: yep 87. Own a thong?: *A* thong? no..thong'S'. yes. 88. Ever get off the damn computer?:yeah..i am about to right now. 89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? nah.. 90. Habla espanol?: si si 91. Quack?: but Sarah DOeS!! with her wild ducky sex.. HAVE YOU / DO YOU / ARE YOU... 92. Stolen anything?: once. 93. Smoke?: have 94. Schizophrenic?: i dont think so..let me go ask. 95. Obsessive?: of certain things 96. Compulsive?: of certain things. 97. Obsessive compulsive?: of certain things... 98. Panic?: no 99. Anxiety?: no 100. Depressed?: have been
Read 4 comments
nerd....the play went well except a prop fell on this girl named samantha and she had a knot on her head...
you smoke??? icky!!! gross gross! you know what thats gunna do to your voice??? sure pink smokes but do you know what she'll start to sound like in 15 yrs??? grody!!!lol! love ya!
Haha, quack quack quack quack......
Yes, I do quack and I AM SOOO PROUD OF IT TOO. Haha
I love my ducky sex :-D
I so have to meet Jon so we can have our session of ducky sex, lol.
Someone asked me what ducky sex was a couple days ago... and Im just like... ducky sex with rubber duckies... lol :-D hehe... im so weird... haha
i love yas!
good....i thought it said that you do smoke...and i'm like really?? i never knew that! stinks in here i think some one farted! bye!