Listening to: [Bright Eyes - Padraic My Prince / Yellowcard]
Feeling: awake
1:42 a.m
Turn out the light it's time for bed. Sleep calls my name...I wrap my arms tightly around my pillow ...fetal position thighs up high.
Temples thump unevenly to the rythm of my heart beat as blood rushes to my cold fingertips.
My eyes are closed in the dark stillness as they strain to keep shut just a little bit longer.
My head aches...
In a flash I see a vast dark place in my mind where intertwined black webs and spider legs spin violently only to be sucked in and disappear forever in a split second.
A black whole you say. Nothing but Empty.Matter.With.A.Name.
The blood rushes harder to my fingertips tucked so tensly underneath my head. I breathe and it all disipates.
I turn on the light.
I woke up to my little dog yapping in the yard at nothing whatsoever. She just likes to bark and think she's the shit.
And I smelt the aroma of cooking soup in the crock pot while still under my blanket..
So I walked into the kitchen and nothing was being made. ..I walked back in my room and disappeared under my blanket again and couldnt smell anything anymore.
:( torture.
*counts a couple sheep and wakes up*
*falls asleep on keyboard* 397r037ejifovh d7f ve90wrh
*drools a lil...
*hands you some salami and dr. pepper*
*flicks a booger over there on his head*>>>>
*burp* i need a startin to mold..LMAO LMAO!!!!!
my hair is turning green and all...
and my ass is numb now...
WHoOOT!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
wow that was a nice dance whats it called its all sexy and stuff?
oh and btw nice diary re-do! looks purdy wicked!
The song you are talking about is called "breathing," it's #8 on the CD. It's pretty good. The "everything" song on my page is #11. I love that song! :) That whole CD is awesome though
*sings a lil happy bday song*
man..shes gettin old..lmao..jkin..
imma go check on my coffee.
loves hugs and beer mugs..
*kicks the coffee maker*
I have to pee. Really badly. So, comment me back... cuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.................
*Tag it ur it........... BITCH!!!!!!!*
I love yous... =P
oXsari bunnyXo
Lucy x x x x
are you havin a kick'n day???:):) WhoOT!
did you ever figure out what those lil blinkie things are called? lol
then we wouldnt have to wait so long...
when we can say goodnight and stay together...
hold each other close the whole night through...
i wish that every kiss was neverending...
Wouldnt it be nice.......?
Lalalalala....... slowly I am going crazy... 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7. 7. 8. 9. 10! is the new numbers.!! woot woot
I can't spell, so what? =P
Got a prob with it biatch?!?!!??! hmm?
Sucks to be you, sucka. Hehe. Just kidding... muwah! xoxoxoxo! loves yas................... hippity hop
Lol. I'm just kidding.
But the "sweet" part is kind of true. A lot of people don't think I can get psycho just from apperances and stuff, then they see me mad and get scared... muwaahahaha... O:-)
I'm an angel. =D
I think that's psycho enuff.
Flaffing... haha
Eww omg... you guys are insane dood.
Lmao... thats fricking hilarous omg... I'd piss myself flaffing at that one if I ever saw that happen!!!! LMAO!!
Im getting tired. =/
I wanna go to Edmonton. =(
*Pouts* I don't get to go anymore... *Sobs*