on off

Feeling: pleased
Info… {full name} jaclyn michelle miller {birthday} 4 17 87 {sexual preference} all woman. hear me roar {your sign?} im a ram damnit {height} 5'2 {weight} umm...i checked this morning..it was...114 i think {eye color} bluish/greenish {natural hair color} dirty blonde {current hair color}golden blonde Last time you… {went to baja fresh?} january...8th..stevie was born that night... yeah {went somewhere} i went to the store today *winkwink* {ate something, what was it?} carrots and ranch {drank something, what was it?} little while ago..it was dr.pepper {farted} dont remember..not that long ago i can tell ya that much {cried} a few weeks ago {hugged someone} this afternoon {consoled someone} last night {laughed} a few minutes ago...reading justjonas's diary {had sex} um never {kissed someone} a few hours ago {bought something, where? what?} i bought cilanthro, jalapenos (yes my worst enemy), and some limes today at the store *winkwink* Have you ever… {been cheated on?} i dont think so {cheated?} no {had a boyfriend, how many?} september......maybe 4 lagit bf's {had a girlfriend, how many?} no What do u … {hate the most} guilt trips! {love the most} laughter {have on right now?} bluejeans and a black v-neck shirt {dream of most?} crazy people, ghosts Things that make you cry: {song} Against All Odds- Mariah Carey {movie} A Walk to Remember {other?} being frustrated Favorite: {food} bacalau ...translation (Puerto Rican dried cod fish style baby) {quote:} "We the unwilling led by the unknowing are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much with so little that we are now qualified to do anything with nothing." somethin from the clinic {drink} dr.pepper {color} purple, blue, green {candy} right now..dove dark chocolate..i love Lucas and i forget what else {ice cream} rockey road and cookies'n dough {brand} dont care {piece of clothing you own} my blue jeans {pair of shoes} converses..orwhatever the brand is. {accessory you own} my bracelets {baseball team} yankees {band} lots and lots and lots {pop song} "so yesterday" {love song} Open Arms ..infact anything by her..except her ones with slutty inuendos {80’s song} GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN! i think that's 80's.... {hip hop/ rap song} loose yourself i love cindy lauper and i really feel like seeing Vibes. [the movie]... most people i know havnt seen it. so sad. "Someone has had sex on this table. *sniff*." haha. i love it. =====pointless thoughts from Jaclyn=====
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mmmmm .. bacalau with poblano chiles, geen olives, and tomatoes ...

I'll take two.

im sure several people wish they could fly.
love ya
Dude, I so need to fucking talk to you... grrr... WHERE ARE YOU?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Damnit, GET ONLINE!!! NOW!!! Please! :-( Go read my diary when you can...
Talk to you soon... love ya lots. *BIG HUGS!*