Listening to: breaking down -sevendust ...dogs barking
Feeling: sleepy
donnelle and i went to the store..looking like idiots running around grabbing stuff.
OMG. We were trying to laugh like my mom.. She squints her eyes and raises her head up to the sky and laughs like a ..i dunno what to compare it to. ...a baboon!
so as we are doing this i say "donnelle stop the car! look at that rock." *points* (it's in the shape of a lady looking up to the sky) and i went HAHAHHA and lashed my head back. I almost peed my panties.
"HAHA. I spread my buttcheeks apart!" (Donnelle commenting on how her ass anatomy works while farting and driving at the same time.)
"One cheek was planted while the other lifted up so it spread my buttcheeks apart!" *uncontrollable laughing at this time. Donnelle driving with her eyes closed at 2 m.p.h.)
So I fart when we stop. "Ewwww that smelt like a limp lettus stuck up your butthole!"
"DONNELLe. I SWEAR. where do you get this stuff??"
Then mom stumbles out of the front door drugged up from benadryl from this allergic reaction and donnelle yells "MOM Squint for me! before i leave!" so she does and i say "mom only squint your eyes!"
... "Jaclyn.. what else can she squint besides her eyes???"
today was so great. and to top it off i got my cool ranch dorito and dr.pepper fix!
i saw athena today which was awesome. she like.. was pumping gas as i stoped real quick to buy a butterfinger and she came up to the car and flung the door open. it was great. charlene called me too.. which is nice.
im scared to go back. and it's just ONE friggin week long. i need pants doood.

you fart, i burp...
smelly britches!!!
and you're soooooooooooooooo cute!
and im the first comment.....i think
*oink* I LOVE THE PIG TAILS!!!!!
i think i smell...
i heart you!!!!!!!!!!!!
lets go check and see what it is...
you go first..muwahaha...
*walks behind you*
you know you to call...
<3333333333333333333333 gerjes!!
you should so know it..
its only one of the best...
BRAND NEW!! WHooOOT..arent they soooo hottttttt
*touches my computer screen with their picture on it*...*sizzzzle*..
okay im better..
my migraine is gone..
WHoOOT WHoooOOT!! *does a lil dance*
i want froot loops...
as long as its not spagetti...b/c that makes me sick..
unles you put ranch in it..then ill take it..:-D
gonna go find something
i dont think you have to worry about gettin fizat anytime soon! lol
everyone says ill get fat when im older..but i always say..well by that time, i wont care what i look like so *shruG*..
i'll add you
That'd be SO cute.
Too lazy to sign on. Lol