We buried Sierra yesterday down in the meadow near the creek. He has his first flower.
--take me--
Clean hands wash over me
Today is over please take me
I don't know what's left to say
But these dirty hands they keep me
Let go, Let me go
You can't have me, I see behind your eyes
Nothings real anymore
Your dirty hands corrupt me
Leave me on the floor
Things come and things go
Nothing stays the same,
You wash away the filth
And it comes back again
It seeps through your pores
And begs to come alive
You are what they've become
Everything is a lie
Let go, Let me go
You can't have me, I see behind your eyes
Nothings real anymore
Your dirty hands corrupt me
Leave me on the floor
Clean hands wash over me
Today is over please take me
Let go, Let me go
Leave me on the floor
April 2nd, 2004 12:40 a.m.

alone. lonely. it was 2am anyway.. i should be alone..shouldnt I?

me chillen.. and I dusted of my geetar and wrote a new song.
lol jk
it was good. =) i like it!!! =D
Be well, jac.
love you
take care
it sucks...
and i feel like im missing out on so many good people... like you...
i need new friends man...
i got tons of them...
but when it comes down to it...
they all just care about themselves...
boo to that dude...
visit boston...
we could be basket cases together man...
at least i know it wouldnt be bullshit...
deep breaths...
we'll be ok...
<3 andy
Urgh I'm so very tired. Zzzz. Night night.