a good day.

Listening to: Oprah
Feeling: cheeky
today was a really good day.. i went to skool and hung out during lunch. i had my camera! lol..i got about 10 pictures but they kinda turned out crappy because the batteries were about dead..but i got new ones and took pictures of our lake. they are soo bee u tee ful~ turned in my homework ..was out in 15 minutes. booya! i cant wait for break! ill be in LA for a few days..and i dont know where else im going for christmas. i found out im going to Chili and Hawaii this summer so that will be awesome dude..cant wait! im so tiiiiiiiiiiiiired. roofing sux. skla;fdkf;asdjf; gotta run i hope something interesting happens tonight..
Read 5 comments
awww your so pretty
ur going to Chilli and Hawaii lucky that is awesome I was goin to say take pictures haha like I need to say that to u;)

btw im I goin goofy but didn't my diary have a background and a thing like urs on the top, oh now I know Sarah took what she did off I seriously don't know what I did to her but dang! How do u take ppl off ur friends list can't figure it out.

Have a good night! Ryan
ok well i am writing in your commenter thing becuase i have to go to bed now and i told you i would write ing here...thats all...i'm going to go die now....
Sounds fun. Wish I could go somewhere cool like Hawaii.
Good night.