bed head

Feeling: bouncy
Its 8:41 AM in the morning. Don't ask me why I'm bouncy. I just am. And I should be grouchy because my coffee was the nastiest ever. well. ... I was grouchy when I first woke up. My mom came in my room and was like, "Jaclyn! You need to hook storm up! He's trying to **** Keeya!" Then... about a 1/2 hour later (of course I didn't get up), "Jaclyn now keeya is loose!" She asked, "How late did you stay up because your really a bed head..?" I was like.."Well. You know mother it is also 7:30 in the morning, what do you expect??" sheesh. Then we shared both of our dreams which was hilarious becasue she thought there was a finger in the bag next to her bed. it was just a design on a hefty bag. she's such a crack sometimes.. hahah... ~UPDATE TO YOU~ im so pissed. the one good pair of pants i have i got pen on. and it better freeekin come out or i'll mad. if i dont get money or pants for my birthday.. i'll wear the same pair for a whole week while testing. that would suck. anyone wanna give me an early birthday present? i'll love you forever! ;)
Read 9 comments
yeah ok im happy now you said hi to god, so far ive managed to spill 3 beers down my shirt, on my friends floor, and god knows what else. haha i get really silly when im drunk, and i dont want to know what a sober person thinks of me, because it might not be all that nice....
man i know how it is when you start getting into the music. sometimes i feel like my legs are rubber because of it.
so is everything smooth now? or still a bunch of crap going on?...i hope everythings swell...tee hee...swell...thats such a gay word!...
hey how do you get the pic above your comments when you post them. And the pic above your name/age, and backround pic? im and idiot, so I have to find these things out
just wanted to stop by..since i havent in awhile..well i have..just too lazy to

im sitting here with a migraine and my eyes are about to pop outta my head while it explodes...

i love your hair!!!! curly and straight. im so jealous..:(

you put me in your last entry! you said hi to me! YAY! i didnt notice til made me smile today:)

and i havent been doin that much lately..:):)

but're soooooooo pretty
and i heart you soooooo much!!!!



Well, what do you want? I have three halves of three pairs of socks, a stick of the beef jerky stuff, and some canadian pennies. Yep, I got the hook up.
sadly...yes. two normal one then a sports bra to pick up the slack from the first...lmao...

i'm glad every thing is peachy...see ya during testing eh?
i will buy you a new pair of pants, but how will i get you the $$$? well heres my IOU --

(insert IOU here) =)
merci =)

you could get alot of money with this whole jeans thing...enough to buy multiple pairs of jeans! crazyyyy

__ >> hehehe there you go