Listening to: the early show
Feeling: stubborn
sometimes i cant stand stephanie. she expects that all the times i watch trinity i'm not worthy of getting a little something. she called before she came back from work and asked if she could come get trin tomorrow..which is now today..and i said i want some money..and i told her that we agreed that if she spent the night i would get something. of course knowing her "she never agreed to that and she never would". she "forgets". so then she's like "fine i'll get in a car crash and die!" and then hung up. finally she got here and started saying that i was a bitch for wanting to be paid and blah blah blah..saying all i want is money. and she can buy a bran new sterio and system to put in her car? and how many times have i ACtually gotten anything? im sorry but...who is moocher here. i wasnt rude to her when she was yelling...but she walked out and i shut the front door...then ...she kicked it..i should have kicked her car ..but i didnt ..i just bitched her out on the way to her car up the hill...and she said i couldnt see trinity. i started crying so i called her..but she left her phone off the hook or some shit..i must have let it ring 100 times. all she had to do was stay on the phone at the restaurant. and if she would have told me she was dead tired and didnt have any money..i would have been like...okay then dont worry about it. but no..she had to throw a fuckin temper tantrum like she always does. all i dreamt about was us fighting. i hate it when we're like this!! im gonna call her today and try to work this out.
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ok i'll bring them...i think u should get paid! and stephanie is a cry baby and gets too worked up over the small stuff