
Listening to: tool
Feeling: congested
hmmm i dont know..if i'll keep this new layout.. i get bored real quick..this is like..the 50th time i'v changed it my throat hurts. my mom wants me to go to bed because i "keep her up" and she "looses her window of opportunity to go to sleep" mmkay these checkers are tripin me out... mom was talking on the phone forever...so when she finally got off i signed on aol..and i was like "i bet jim tried to call the whole time" ..then i go get some carrots and ranch ..and who calls but jim...and i have the headphones plugged in so i cant hear a thing. stupid me. ... "jackie." ".." "............Jaclyn!" "what" "jaclyn. you need to go to bed..alright?" ".....uh huh..." "alright?" "....." "ALright????????" "---uh huh---" Update 1: im still sitting in this chair waiting till she says somethin again..an makes me jump out of my chair. chair chair chair. *cough* i feel like such a nerd "i need my inhaler" lol. hmmmmmm this bites. i take a deep breath and while my muscles contract like im puking...i exhale. Update 2: im still here....talking to sarah...and she told Matt i said for him to fuck off for dissing canadians or some shit. ...i never said that lol...but she told him she was joking... mom hasnt yelled at me yet... i HATE robustussin!!! YUCK..it makes me dizzy it's so horrible...then using that throat spray..is gross....whats it say... "cherry! plesant taste!" ...plesent taste my ass. it lurks around in your cupboards and medicine cabinets..waiting for you to get sick so it can torture you.......then u use it..and like an orgasm theres a rush of relief an extacy.... but then i exhale...and that puking thing happens again... im tired as shit....yeah.... UPDATE ..3: yes im still here. sadly. my dog is anorexic. yes. she thinks she's ugly. ... she never eats like she is now..you get used to habits of ...things....so yeah.. she's eating now. i really cant stand the show "livin large" they really piss me off. it's all about the money and 20 cars they have in they're garage they dont even drive. looks like a damn car lot..wrong. and then the charity part only lasts a few minutes. double wrong. i dont even know why im still up. im hungry for attention. i dont need it. i dont need it. but i want it. *exhales*
Read 10 comments
Dude, listen to mom and go to sleep. You silly goose.
I'm so not tired and I should so be sleeping right now... *sigh* I miss muh kitten...
Love yas!
"..plesent taste my ass. it lurks around in your cupboards and medicine cabinets..waiting for you to get sick so it can torture you."
ROTFL! Omfg, that's great. I like the taste of that stuff. Dude, man, ugh. I woke up this morning and I felt like shit, I still do. I think I'm getting sick again... did your sickness seep through your computer and go to mine and make me sick?! Dayumit, if I get sick, it's your fault. :P
I love yas! haha l8ts
Dare I ask how you thought I should look?
Way to go in the thing that you placed in. I dunno if it's a tourney or competition or what, but wtg. Woooo.
I'm tired. Mexico kicked my ass. You have other entries I should read but my eyes keep crossing and work keeps coming up. So I'll this pointless little note and come back sometime later and read and comment more. Wooo.

Be well.

yeah you can add me =) and i got the pop up using a code from htmlandgraphix's diary.
Moo! Haha, oragasm.... man oh man... I need one of those... erm, uhh... uhm... I mean, bad Sarah! >:O

O:-) <----REAL ME! W00t!

Okay, you're such a dork. Go to bed already. Lol. Juss kittin, stay up and talk to me allllllllllllllll night long, or until I go to bed. ^.^ Hehe. Lol
it's ok that your not good at advice. I am not good at living. Period... I am really kinda sad...about all of this but life will go on. I guess my next concern would be to talk to my boyfriend and just hope things are ok between me and him...:'(

commit...because on ace ventura pet detective...when he goes to that girls door he goes "you have to commit me!" then they go to the looney bin!
I don't disappoint? Were you looking at the right pics?
And yes, stupidity is what makes my entries so plausibly feasible.
Cool shirt...
So you're that girl with the floor in her hair, huh?
I can't remember if I said this before or not, and if I did I'm saying it again anyway, so ... feel better miss jac the smurf.
I vote you do, anyway.
And I'm a registered voter.
p.s.--how much is parking and do you make change?
*places comment in comments slot*
Is this like a parking meter where I have to re-up every hour?
Or is it one comment per visit?
I have the unintentional 1930's look. That being of a bum from the depression.
Good ol' patches and moppy hair.
My mom says I look like a scare crow vampire.
She says many things, though.
You still don't sound better jac.
*kicks cough*