Wow...It's been about 8 months since I last wrote an update about my last bouts, successes, messups, and rants...and here I am again to flood your screens with more of them! woohoo.
no, really. It's pretty cool to be on here again. I'm suprised I even remembered my password.
Well, to give you all an update, the band is no longer but in return I got the drummer. We've been together 6 months. It's serious and truthfully, I have become such a better person since I met James. It's great and I can't wait for the future to come.
I finished my first sememster of college and I go back on the 17th of this month. I'll tell you what. It's nice waking up at 10:00 in the morning with nothing really pressing to do...no homework, no papers.. NO SPANISH, thank God. I tood spanish thinking I needed it to transfer. Nope. And I couldn't drop it so there I was stuck with 4 others with a teacher on ITV.
In other news, the night of Thanksgiving, one of my friends was killed in a car accident in the Kern Canyon. I called Tommy's twin sister and offered to help in anyway I could. Little did I know that she would take it up. Mystie called me the next day and asked me to plan a concert in Tommy's name to raise money for the funeral. She wanted it done on friday night. Only 3 days away. James, my boyfriend did all the graphics which included being the soundman, getting together pictures and creating a slideshow with voice overs from close friends, adding music and doing everything Tiffany, Tommy's older sister, wanted. I was in charge of creating the line up, scheduling and making sure everything didn't go crazy. My mom was the Speaker and she did a really good job.All of this happened during Finals! It was really hard but it all came together and the family didn't have to worry about a thing. I was really greatful that Mystie, Tiffany and Kelly trusted us with such a personal thing...
R.I.P Tommy.
Anyways, I am on a limited time since I'm using the library's computer so I better cut this short.
Hope everyone is doing great and Happy New Year!
(Singing at Tommy's Memorial Concert.)

God bless and hope everything goes allright for you.
Love you like a sister. lol