Cause I'm such a whore..

Feeling: feisty
Okay..people. I'd like to know if the pictures here in my diary look whorey? The look in my eye maybe..since..I have practically no skin showing whatsoever? Some bitch on wtd left me a comment: " YOU LOOK LIKe a whore you BITCH!" Then another stating: "You look like a whore.. srry." she trying to console herself? Calling me a bitch then saying sorry like that? lol..only with a different approach the second time. I deleted them and decided not to comment her back. What a waste of time. I wouldn't want to give her the satisfaction anyway..cause I'm cool like that haha *shines shirt* I got the cutest outfit the other day..for the competition this saterday. I'll be singing Only Hope by SwitchFoot..but Mandy Moore's version..but with a lot more OOMPH! I'll try to get a pic up of it..I'm not in the outfit though..becasue..I couldnt get a body shot with me in it..haha.. it looks strange.. %% dsc_071.jpg %% yah..the orchid will be in my hair haha... I have to go check on my chicken cassorole I'll update later..mmmm...biscuits.... UPDATE: Uno** I feel like I'm eating at KFC..Minus the chicken bones. I love HomeStyle Bakes.. THey're the bomb... maybe I'll try cooking from scratch one day though? I got two letters from Jim today, plus a pic of him and another of Adam. I miss them sooo freakin much..I almost started crying. What a great morning surprise :D then i stubbed my pinky toe on my mom's harp case..and blood started oozing out underneath the toe nail and bloodied the knuckle.. It's throbing right now..and it's like..twice as big than normal :( DAMNIT! always make sure you have butter when making steamed vegetables... Update: Dose:** how the hell do you get a pic in here???
Read 22 comments
A whore?? WTF????????? You look far from a whore... you look like a pretty gurl. How skrewed up is this person?? Who knows, who cares!!!

Love the song you pick for your site. *Evanesence fan*

How do you get the little tinkerbell mouse pointer thingy on the site?? can you let me know please??????

Take it easy gurl.. but take it!!

Peashe Out... *^_^*
lol yeah...well people was just a pictuer..*shrug* oh so tired..but i dont think im ever gonna go to sleep! lol i need a sleepin pill...did you ever find out how to put a single picture in just one entry?
i had to take my other picture off..someone said mine looked whorish by the way..i feel you now! lol jealous
lol awwww thanks darlin! I HATEEEEE MY HAIR!!!...its a lil longer than that..about to my shoulders now..and its back to my natural color..i hate my hair..its always gettin something done to it..imma die when it falls youre pretty!!!!!!!!!!
i'd say HOT@!!!
they look good becasue you look GOOOD! Rock ON, Chad
i want some biscuts.. and your picture isnt showing.. and i think you look soo prettyy.. you look nothing like a whore shes just FUCKING jelouse i hate jelouse loosers.. why cant they just give the fuck up and move in with things??
your beautiful and im sure you know that
-i want biscuts yummmmmm-

your diary looks hot
i changed my layout..i was tired of it so i changed it lol..i got them from around here
no u dont look like a whore...
tell that girl to "check herself"
ur beautiful...
shes jealous...
<3 andy
ok um i found a buncha pictures that i liked... (i kinda just stole them off other sites) then... i used paint and i put them all together... i made the barcode in paint too... then i save the picture as a jpg file (cuz if u save it as a gif file the colors get all fuzzy and weird) then i just set it as my background... if u wanna send me pictures i can make u one if u want... but yea thank u for the hug via the internet... it helped =] <3andy
lol yeah its a big was at the dudes themepark i got my senior pictures taken at..its not mine!! lol..i wish. it would rock my sox off clean...imma add you...*whisper..only if you add me too..:-D
and yes..jealous
you dont look like a're very pretty..hell my picture would look whorish before yours does..but i dont care what people think of called jealousy babe..they're jealous of you:) no worries..youre verry verrry pretty..keep posting those pictueres!!! lol..-lindsey- xox
they are just jealous..
don't even sweat it
i luv that song (hello-Evanescence)!!! =) cute diary
you don't look like a whore..
think that it make you look..i don't know i wouldn't say whore...but you see thouse girls on the tv how they are so pretty and what not...and some of them happend to be whore...espically the ones with the large amounts of eye showed...i think that that's what they are talking about...i like the pic...i that it make you look pretty...
whory pics i dont see none dont worry about the lil bitch ur diary is hott and i like it so u can add me if u want!!

I think I missed the potentially whorey pictures, what a shame!!!
Just go away and add me, I would feel very honoured.
Wh0rey Pics??..
I think not dude..
It sounds like whoever wrote that, Lives in a nut shell.. Ect

And has never seen pics of people stuffing God Knows What, In God Knows Where places.

With Skirts that do nothing but reveal Ass and Belly Buttons, and handfuls of Clevage and Nipples
Weeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Tinkerbell rocks my socks on. Lol.

I already prayed... a lot... I have been a lot more lately...
I'm starting to think I pray too much now. Lol. Maybe I'm asking too many things, or maybe I'm not asking enough... Hrmz... I unno...

Too many maybe's in my head, and what if's and such... they need to be gone!!! lol

You are a whore, you whore. Haha.
Yah, that bitch was crazy. I hate people that are like that. She's a total hyprocrite too, she says she dislikes prejudice and stuff like that, but yet... she judged you like that just from your pictures... which are NOT whoreish looking at all... Grrr, she got me mad. Lol... >:O
Noone talks to my forgetful smurf like that and gets away with it!!!
*Hugs* Anyways, laters. Lol.
I'm a whore.
A comment whore.
I thought you were too?
Us whores kick ass, jac.
wooo whoreism!!
Long live the whores!
And nice outfit.
Oh, and your pictures look anything but whorish.

Be well.

i think it's a pretty picutre.. you're really pretty. screw 'em... they're just pissed because they are the whores.