Listening to: This Is the Air I Breathe = timber
Feeling: regretful
"This is the air I breathe...
This is the air I breathe...
Your holy me.
This is my daily bread.
This is my daily bread.
Your very word..spoken
to me.
And I...I'm desperate for you.
And I...I'm lost without you."
I love this song...makes me want to cry.
Some might not understand how someone could feel that way because they dont see God working in their own it's all fabricated in our minds..
I'v never cried so much from anything..besides..Will.
Just the thought of someone going through...unimaginal pain for me. What makes me so special? What makes US so special? And then he's turned away like a disease.
I spent about an hour re-doing Jake's diary [jakebryant].
He just told me, "Do what ever you want!" So I picked out all the pictures on my own and the colors. I hope he likes it.
I feel so calm right now, it's so nice.
And I know why. Anyways..
Last night I dreamt I got in a fight with someone at my old friend's house. *Courtney R.I.P*
I tore her apart. We small people ..we fight till the death BECAUSE we are small.
We just keep going and going and going *energizer bunny drum*.
She was talking shit about me..I was calm and tried to talk about it..and she was like, "well..lets take it to another room.."
So, we were walking down the hallway..and she jumped me. But I knew she was going to do it..
SO I flipped her sideways on my back and rammed her into the times..and then dropped her. Then I got on top of her. I never punched her... I kicked her. Then dug my nails into her legs all over. And then she just layed there and I left to get all my shit together. That took me the whole night..
Finally as the sun was coming up, I started walking home, (to the house I moved out of like..8 years ago..and have dreams about all the time.)
Erica and Morganna were sitting outside of Courtney's house on the car. Erica said Domonique (the one who's ass got kicked) was gonna kick my ass because I kicked HER I flipped Erica off..
Then Morganna came at me thinking I flipped HER off. I was like "fuCKin A! Grow up!" haha..
Then I finally got home.
We were in the middle of actually Moving BACK into my old house, and the people who lived there before left a bunch of stuff behind, including a picture of a girl on the mantle. So I went to touch the picture.. There were words in it and they moved around her face like they were in water....
And She looked straight at me.
You're a dork. =)
Yes, I'm glad I got out of all that too... =/
Now, I just have to stop drinking so much. Lmao...OMG!!! Kevin (Ex) is mad at me because he came online once and I was SO drunk and it was obvious, even though I kept denying it... and... haha... yah...
I love yas too!! =)
Laters darlin!
whichever way that goes..VROOM VROOM!!!
love hugs and beer mugs!!
Hope you're doing OK :-)
Lucy x x x x x
I need your help. Wake up and come online so you can help me. Lol.
Are you having problems with you music on the site?? Why I'm asking is because I am. The site aint even coming up, nothing. Not too sure if it's my computer, or it's the website... lemme know thanks hun...
Take care, take it easy but take it!!
Spacey is good.
I used to go by the moniker 'SpacemanSpiff" (I 'borrowed' it from the comic strip 'Calvin & Hobbes') ...
It was nice being both spacely and spiffly at the same time.
Maybe I'll just drop 'Nick' and go by SpacemanSpiff.
Calm is an excellent state, whether we know why anyone is in it or not. Sometimes I'm so calm after things I almost feel like smoking a cigarette. But then I remember that cigarette's sicken me, so I don't and I just hang out being calm and the like.