Life Lessons

Feeling: caffeinated
'If life gives you lemons, get the tequilla and salt.' 'For every foolproof invention created, there is born a new, and improved fool.' 'Don't take candy from strangers. It might not be the candy you like. Plus, it might have razor blades in it.' I'm just thinking, this is like "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy". Only lamer.
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Alive in Chains are super duper hardcore!
Don't over mix your batter. The cake may be flat?
Don't over cream your butter your cookies will suck!
Don't use the microwave it WILL EXPLODE!!!
first ones the best
alice in chains kick ass.

i like this one. "When life gives you lemons, throw them back and tell life to MAKE ITS OWN DAMN LEMoNADE!"

and jack handey is great. haha. =)
haha nice quotes :)
My favorite quote is "Fuck you. No really, fuck you."
-My pet bunny

Let's just say, he's dead now...
How exactally would you put a razor in candy? I mean, wouldn't SOMEONE notice the 'package' hahaha was already opened?