I discovered something wonderful and new!!!! Well, at least I think it is. Use thousand island dressing on a tuna sammitch! It's oh so delish. It makes my mouth sing with sexy music and the like. Who wants a bite? Of my sammitch too.
Listening to: Deadwood Cowboys
Feeling: tired
but i loooooooooooooove your icon thing.
You need to update. cuz Im bored. and its all your fault. die.
anyways. have a jolly grand day.
club sammach:
no mayo or greens er tamato
lightly toasted bread
please and thanks
and i put the bible cerses cuz.. I was going thru some weird times and I read my bible and those are the verses that stuck out and meant the mostest to me. and such things of that sort.
and thats my story my rubber friend.
um.. you are disgusting. its great! keep up the good work..
Howdy chickee. Danka for the comment.
Boys are stupid so I recommend to just not deal with them. :P Good luck chickadee. Don't be a stranger.
so yeah i have the right person..but if u dont remember me its all good..later