I got my motherfucking shock on the 'stang! Take that you evil car gods! Take that you bitch of a car! I'm the boss of you now, ya hear!? Yep, that be my good news of the day. I got the piece of shit shock absorber onto my car after days of laboring and trying to figure out the best way to put it on. In then end, yep, it came down to brute strength and leverage. I'm going to go check out lots of hot classic cars tonight. Good times. I'll say something more intelligent later after I wet myself on musclecars.
Listening to: NIN - Hurt
Feeling: sappy
Wait, does this have something to do with the ominous sex candy?
Right, you convinced me, I´ll come over and help you find some.
now will you tell me????? :D
i'd love it if you got back to me with this info!
thank you!
My head hurts.