Get To Mars

Listening to: KMFDM Radio
Feeling: ecstatic

"...The door opened, you got in. Hell of a day isn't it?..." Johnny Cab, Total Recall My 'puter was having brain shits for the past few weeks, and just 2 days ago, it finally had an aneurism. It liked to restart windows whenever it would try to start up. Stupid fucking machine. I realize now how much I actually waste my time on this thing. Boy howdy am I a putz. :P I have a Jolt in hand. I feel good I think. I have my nerdy Vampire game going on tomorrow night. I can't wait to see what idiocies will appear there. Leave me perverted, random comments please. I miss those.

Read 14 comments
your 'puter has neurisms? mine just jacks off all the time. that, or the nazi's have taken control.
fo reals...lets do it....**evil laugh** ;)
"you feel me?" no not yet. Do you want me too?

~Janet ;)
email!! check the email!


now u know my school i.p. address fuck up the computer pleasse break the system
So joltbloodedpsycho, your a chick huh, when did this happen and does your girlfriend know??
hahaha. my 'puter prolly is hookin it up with YOUR 'puter.
hahaha I had no idea that I had excellent grammar. Thank you for bringing it to my attention and thinking its fucking ridiculously awesome. And sure, ok let's get married. I'll meet you in Vegas. I'm 16. Quite an age difference. It's ok that you're crazy in a good way because I have a feeling I am too. Thanks for the comment sweetheart.
Love, Laurel
So is that the new title, "Nerdy Vmpire Game"? ;P
Well, since I clicked on the random link and it brought this up, a perverted, random comment is in store.

I once had someone tell me that whenever he masturbated, he smelled hot dogs.

Pees. ~*Kristina
oingo boingo



you have a vast collection of strange animal images.
:-) I would love to come over and play and being a doofus would not scare me because I'm a dork. And isn't that a good combo? ;-)
Who cares if other people get sick? I don't! :-)
I love scaring people. :-) And being selfish is fun too. Sounds like we could have a lot of fun together. Too bad your so far away. rod shops...I'm sure there are some somewhere. Please do IM me, I'll look forward to it. :-)