Still looking for Mrs. Joltbloodedpsycho.
Listening to: L7 - Pretend We Are Dead
Feeling: eccentric
Time for another entry I suppose. Another pseudointellectual ramble of how people are stupid and how life is incomplete without a person to share it with.
No!! I've made too many of those already.
I'm thinking about becoming a school teacher and teach auto shop. And on the side, after hours, I could work on restoring classics, specifically, Mustangs. Mild mannered perverted high school auto teacher by day, mad car scientist by night. Mwahahaha!!!
"It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more."
-Woody Allen (1935 - )
"The only chemically balanced people in this world are insane."
Looking though my pics and thought I'd put up my engine pic again for showing off reasons mainly.
and yes, a world without pervs WOULD be a world without dirty thoughts. but, honestly, if we got rid of all the "true" pervs, would there be anyone left?
i think not.
Who likes those ill mannered perverts? They are so rude!!
??? don't ask me what that means
-the godfisher
that's me
if you stop looking, she'll come
's usually how those things work, ;]
be well
You're so great.
+ Feed.My.Squirrel +
and for ego purposes, here it comes again: that is a majorly... cool... engine.
hola amigo.
time: now
lol... jolt