Flavor Saver

Feeling: dumb

There comes a point in time where things take on a different tint or hue when compared to everything else. The flavor of life starts tasting differently and unfortunately for too often becomes bitter and the sweetness is far too rare. There are fewer finer treats and the ones that come along are not for me to ever savor. Again I get into one of my bitter meloncholy moods when I have nothing to taste, nothing to give, and almost nothing to do about my situations in life. How can I feel so impotent when I, as a person, could do anything with my life yet I feel that I squander my precious commodity somehow. I do know that at least I'm dragging my carcass through what I need to in order to have a career which won't destroy my soul and leave me a useless husk of hatred when I'm elder. I made a fool of myself the other night when I met a really pretty girl. My friend and her friend were in the hot tub, and the pretty friend of my friends' friend was sitting away from everybody and not saying anything. So I mentioned to the friend that she's too quiet, and she thus mentions that to the pretty friend who asks if I want to converse. She glides through the water right up near me and says just as plain as day "So what'cha wanna talk about?" I, being completely awestruck by her beauty and brazenness, just sit there and drool and procede to make a complete fool and ass of myself like I do when I find a girl attractive. Why have I not any skills to talk to girls? How can I have gone all these years and still not know how to mingle and flirt harmlessly with the opposite sex? I need a trainer or something. I'm what they call a pathetic loser with no game. Maybe next time it'll work out better.

~-=Quote Of The Day=-~ "Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice." --George Jackson (1941 - 1971)
Read 10 comments
Im no expert but if you don't remember if you were drunk you probably were.

I sympathize with you lack of "game". If I like a guy- provided I talk to him at all- I tend to be extreamly cruel, I don't know why I do it. I just can't help contridicting everything they say.
Wow, this is the first oppertunity I have had in a long time to actualy correct YOUR misspellings. However I wont....but look over and make an edit. To answer your question, you care to much, thats why. The trick is to not care if the flirt goes anywhere, flirt for the sake of flirting. I have a girlfriend and I flirt, its unconscious, I am not wanting anything out of it. I will take you under my wing and teach you the ways of "woe"'ing women....
aww. just pretend it's an ugly guy next time. or something.
My Thanksgiving was belly-popping-good. :-) Yours?

awww... it's cute.. when i'm around guys i like i totally freak out and do the weirdest things, like the other day, i was being annoying, but i couldn't help it.
just wanted to say hi
Hey can you help me out with something... How did you get that pic of the feet... I have a picture that i want as my background but i dont know how to do it... can you help me out plz! Thank you
Thanks alot, it did work but I need a different picture. but thank you anyways
awwww... AJ... you weenie!!! You messed up an opportunity!
nice mountain dew song you got going on there. :) Shouldn't you be writing one about Jolt cola? Or does mountain dew do it for you now? :)
Have fun at magic mountain!
I ::heart:: rollercoasters!!!
