really long survey

Listening to: Mercy Me
Feeling: smooth
I AM: in awe of God' mercy I THINK: I should take more risks I KNOW: i need to live more for today I WANT: pure love I HAVE: morals I WISH: i could more easily see my faults I HATE: being selfish I MISS: my parents I FEAR: not succeeding I HEAR: God whispering I SEARCH: for a deeper meaning I WONDER: will anyone like me for my personality before my looks? I REGRET: a few things I LOVE: that indescribable feeling I ACHE: for those who suffer I CARE: about what i look like I ALWAYS: have those silent moments I AM NOT: perfect I DANCE: cheerleader style I SING: josh groban~lol I CRY: a lot I DO NOT ALWAYS: know how to comfort I FIGHT: with my sister I WIN: every time i get an A I LOSE: as a good sport I CONFUSE: myself and others around me I LISTEN: when others ignore I CAN USUALLY BE FOUND: with courtney I NEED: a guy~lol I AM HAPPY ABOUT: my parents coming home tomorrow and school almost being out I SHOULD: start studying sooner 1.Full Name: Amanda 2.Birthday: July 3.Age: 15 4.Zodiac Sign: Cancer 5.Where you live: US WHO 6. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? various people 7.If you had to go live in Borneo for the rest of your life and you could take one person on this earth, who would you take? woah, that's a toughy...i'm gonna have to pass on that one gene 8.Who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with? hmmm, my mom? lol 9.If you woke up one morning and noticed that your leg was missing who would be the first person you would call? my mom 10.Let's say your dad came in your room one day and told you that you had to get married in the next week but you can pick the person but you have to stay with them for the rest of your life no getting out of it, who would you pick? holy crap if my dad told me that i'd be like YEAH RIGHT! i could talk patrick into it i'm, wow jk. 11. What if you woke up tomorrow and you were someone else completely, who would you be? but, but i wanna be me! lol WHAT 12.What would be the first thing you would do if you woke up one morning and you were the opposite sex: scream 13.If all of a sudden you had the ability to do one thing better than everyone else, have one amazing talent, what would it be? i wish i could witness better 14.If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change(personality and looks)? hmm, personality: not so quiet looks: hands 15.What is your dream career? read previous entry! 16.What is the one thing you just have to do before you die? live. 17.If you could be a member of any band that has ever exsisted, what band would that be? wow thats a toughy...gonna have to think a while... 18.What is the thing you care about most in your life? my relationship with Christ RANDOM 39.If you could be in any movie as the lead role what movie would it be? forget the lead, i just want to be in an indiana jones movie 40.If you could design your perfect mate what would he/she look like and be like? wow, totally already got this figured out~lol. ok: curly haired cowboy, left-handed, brown hair, green eyes~lol. caring, kind to children, love the outdoors, respect me, has to love animals, be funny, have a sense of humore, be a romantic, someone i can just talk too, someone i can trust, no cussing, mature, and most importantly of all he puts the Lord before anything and everyone else 41.If you won the lottery what would you do with your, let's say, 18 million dollars? charity, youth group, parents, shopping spree,help save the animals, SAVE THE TURTLES! 42.What is the single most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? do we have to talk about that?? HAVE YOU EVER 43.fallen in front of someone you thought to be quite good looking? lol...well actually i did that tonight~haha into a wall? yeah 45.sleep walked? don't think so 46.gone skinny-dipping? nope 47.kissed someone of the same sex? ew, no 48.snuck out of the house at night? nope 49.gotten in a car wreck where you are the driver? no 50.laughed so hard that what you were drinking spewed out your nose? no, that's pretty gross though 51.started laughing really hard so you just spit out what you had in your mouth cause you couldn't swallow? yes, plenty of times 52.swallow a bug? probably....but thats gross so NO 53. have you ever actually kept a new year's resolution? hmm.. what were they again? lol 54.say a few things about the person who sent this too you: i stole it from a random diary, thanks gurly! lol...awesome diary by the way [outfit] turtle pjs - wouldn't u know it [ mood ] goofy-happy but not sure why [ make-up ] not too heavy [ music ] Mercy Me - "Bless Me" [ taste ] Carmello [ smell ] my room [ thing I ought to be doing ] my math project [ book ] Hiroshima [ toe nail color ] silverish purple r nail color ] clear [ refreshment ] water [ worry ] eh [ crush ] none - yet! muahaha [ favorite celebrity ] dave barnes - such a good personality, or josh groban...curly hair!!! does indiana jones count? lol last person: [ you touched] my sister, we were ice skating [ you talked to ] jodi [ you hugged ] my sister [ you instant messaged ] alex [you yelled at ] probably my sister [ you had a crush on ] ..not in awhile....not a crush [ who broke your heart ] patrick [ kissed ] ex bf who do you want to: [ kill ] no one. [ slap ] no one. [ tickle ] no one. [ be like ] me [ talk to ] john b/c i have something funny to tell him~hehe well that was fun! must go, getting late. be here later. God bless u all! *manda*
Read 2 comments
that was sooo long lol
lol I'm looking forward to it so much because I'm quite possibly the biggest band geek in the world. I plan on being a band teacher when I grow I've got a lot of work to do. Good luck with the turtles! They're awesome! and so are you! stay cool!