My life is rated G.
What is your life rated?
what can i say? i already knew that my life is rated G b4 i even took the little quiz~lol. it's all good...i don't mind in the least. 'tis who i am and who i shall stay. anyways...my experience for the day: considering i stayed up till like 5 last night, i slept until 1 in the afternoon today. it was fun~lol. so i was pretty lazy all day long. i spent some time in the pool and in front of the tv and of course on the computer. my parents got home and, for no reason at all, i wasn't in the best of moods. i didn't feel like talking to anyone or doing anything. so then i go to youth group and just kind of sit there and listen b/c it's just me and john and the youth leader. so afterwards, the church time must have worked b/c i felt a lot better and i still do..it's amazing how God works. i do however miss my sister and courtney. megan's leaving is having a lot more impact on me than i expected. i no longer have her to imitate after 15 years so it's kinda scary. it's almost as if i was an add on to her life, and now i have to start my own. that's kinda what having a sister was like for me b/c we were so close. and courtney is another person that shares a lot of my personality traits so when she's not around i feel like i'm only half way there. not the best feelings in the world but it will give me a chance to make a life for myself and not follow others so much...except for Jesus' of course. so: summer school & cheerleading start monday and marching band starts thursday...after that my schedule gets hectic again. not looking forward to that - this break has been really great so far. though i do have to admit, it would be pretty boring to have no events planned for the summer. take care guys. luv u & God bless! *manda*
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