wide eyed and full

Listening to: Matt Nathanson
Feeling: intellectual
hey guys hows it goin? not too shabby here. the fact that it's the weekend could have something to do with that. lol. well i still haven't figured out what to do about the whole guy situation yet. patrick isn't even an option..not doin the whole long distance thing. and i still don't know about ryan. he's so cute and i'm gonna see him every day next year and when i have band over the summer so it'll be a nice distraction. haha. but nick really likes me and i feel like i need to give him a chance. anyways...enough about that. last night i had the scariest dream that i was outside at my old house and these guys came up and tried to get me but i ran into the house quick enough but couldn't get the door locked and i finally did. wow.. it was freakin me out, let me tell ya. oooo, and tonight i was looking up some tips on how to improve my toe touches which got me all "inspired", if you will, so i went downstairs and stretched and did some crunches and pushups, then worked on my jumps. my toe touches used to be so much better and my around the worlds just suck now. it makes me sad :( but that's why i need to work on them! well guys it's been tons of fun but i'm gonna clear off my bed so i can sleep. keep up the comments, they're awesome! love you all and God bless, *manda* p.s. i love you courtney! hang in there gurly :) ********************************************** ~*~ do you ~*~ like your name?: it's pretty cool..it goes with a lot of last names well so it makes me happy your life?: every1 has their ups and downs, but yes i do your friends?: of course. ~::~ What's one thing ~::~ you enjoy immensly?: surrounding myself with the few people who have ever seen me get as weird as i really am and laughing like crazy you wish you could change?: distance you want your friends to understand about you?: if they will just open up, i promise i will listen and always care on your mind?: oddly enough, john ~#~who's one person~#~ you want to see right now?: that's a toughy...one person? can't i just say eldon friends and be done with it? lol...fine, kelsey you're thinking about?: john you're mad at?: mainly myself you're thankful for?: heather you need to change your attitude towards?: my dad who doesn't understand you?: few people do who you don't understand?: those that do things purely under the pressure to be considered "cool" who encourages you?: those retaining the qualities that i aspire to have in my own life ~@~which of your friends~@~ is the most likely to grow up to be a model?: kelsey...she's taking modeling classes right now knows the most about you?: wow...ummm, kelsey, jodi, and heather have you known a loooooong time?: strat is the smartest?: hmmm....good question. i'd say courtney l. is a pretty smart cookie in the english department though do you talk to on IM the most?: probably auddy makes you laugh/smile the most?: courtney do you email the most?: heather is the loudest?: courtney is the shyest?: whitney at times parents do you know the best?: jodi, heather, whitney, hannah, and kelsey has the best room?: jodi is the most annoying?: jodi at times but i wouldn't trade her for anything ~+~ Just some questions ~+~ What's the best part of your life?: my friends The worst?: my sometimes negative outlook When life gets you down, what do you do?: pray, eat, and watch tv What makes you get down on yourself?: school and what others think Do you believe in yourself?: most of the time What encourages you and lifts you up?: God, friends, and the little things in life When's the last time you enjoyed yourself?: tonight in the pool What color are your socks?: white What are the names of your favorties stuffed animals?: pebbles and slow poke When's the last time you wanted to hit someone?: hit? wow...i don't even remember What are you listenin' to right now?: switchfoot What's your hair like right now?: on top of my head b/c i just got out of the shower When did you get your last email and who from?: just now from audrey What's the most annoying thing people ask/tell you?: "things can't always be perfect" or "you need to take more risks" ....only because it's hard for me to accept these things Are you brave or a chicken?: if i'm around brave people then i'm a chicken and vise versa How are you today?: today was pretty dull Are you glad this is over?: very~lol
Read 4 comments
hey, thanks for the comment. :) i like to write a lot. i really want a ferret. are they a lot of work? cause i wont have that much time next year..
go for patrick!!lol. im sure ur toe touches are just fine.i luv u gurly!~nicole :D
lol i meant ryan. i swear i cant keep guys straight. lol luv ya~nicole :D
hey sweetie! lol, i am quite sure that your jumps do not "suck" as you say they do. :D just look at mine and you'll begin to feel pretty darn good about yours. haha, anyway, i just wanted to say hey! ly babe! - kelsey