Listening to: damien rice
Feeling: twitchy
today was fun......
courtney and i went to the mall b/c we had nothing better to do. we tried on all the hoochie tops in preparation for winter dance. that was interesting. hah..then trevor and nick met us up there. which is actually a good thing b/c now i know that i'm over nick -thank goodness. me and that kid would just never work out. oh well..nbd. just helps me make future desicions.
weird...i'm talking to john about the whole basketball guy thing. this is so weird.
what i am to you
is not what you mean to me
you give me miles and miles of mountains
and all i ask for is the sea
ok so on a good note michael thinks i'm hot..wow that made my day~lol. woowoo! ok so he's 20 but who cares right? and from eldon...crap.
for those of you who didn't know this is where i went to kindergarten through 3rd grade. lol. go colts!
Tell her you think shes wonderful. Tell her why you think shes so wonderful. Pick her up & act like shes gonna go in the pool, she'll scream & fight you,but secretly, she'll love it. Tell her she looks beautiful. Introduce her to the guys as the most amazing girl ever. Look in her eyes. Protect her. Let her mess with your hair. Tickle her, even if she says stop. When she swears at you, tell her you love her. Let her fall asleep in ur arms. Call her. Kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Give her space if she needs it. Tease her. Kiss her forehead. Let her wear your clothes. Be slow. Wipe away her tears when shes sad. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Make her feel loved. Kiss her in the rain & when you fall in love with her, tell her!
