Listening to: switchfoot
Feeling: intellectual
last night i went w/ jen to watch her sisters' orchestra concerts. it was really great. i love classical music!
today i got up & went to church and then i came home and layed on the couch watching gymnastics for about 2 hours. i'm pumped. lauren and i are gonna start back into it this thursday. i can't wait. i just hope i get to feeling better by then. this whole being sick thing kinda sucks.
no school tomorrow...woowoo! i wish i had more of a routine. or a healthy one at least. i need to make the time and energy to work out every once in a while. i just sit around and eat cookies~lol. i mean i do crunches and stretch and stuff but i wanna go the extra mile. somebody come to riverchase w/ me sometime or just work out in my basement..something.
God bless u guys....get inspired! ♥manda
gahhh...curly haired guy in a romantic setting..would that not be the best?!

p.s. your colors remind me of modest mouse :)
Actually, as I do with most entries I got the title by whatever profound lyrics I heard in my head at that moment. In this case it was Lebanese Blondes by Theivery Corporation.
I do so love my Gavin though. So I may just look into that song. Thanks for the comment, glad to hear someone is listening.
that is perfevct curly hair i am to tire dot spell lol
night babey