if home is where the heart is….then why am I here?

Listening to: damien rice
Feeling: hopeful
do you all want to know how my trip to eldon was? of course you do..so i'll give you all the mushy details. :D!!!!! ok first of all let me just say HOLY CRAP!!!! i never imagined any of the things that happened would ever happen. my dreams actually came true...it was all a little unbelieveable. *friday: drove down after the flute quartet at summit. no problems getting there and i arrived in eldon around 5:00, making great timing and with 3/4 a tank of gas still left. i went to heather's, freshened up and then we drove out to versailles to watch the jv and varsity bball game. patrick was playing jv, and i wasn't sure if he saw me or not, but then he came over and sat by me after his game. we watched the varsity game (i envy eldon's school spirit, it is amazing) and we didn't really talk much b/c we were into the game. (i know what you're thinking...amanda get into a game?! since when? it really helps if everyone else is into it around you & i actually had a great time) after the game heather and i started to leave and i was kinda walkin w/ patrick and i turned around and i was like..well do i get a hug? so he gave me one (!!! :D) and then he was like i'll call you later tonight. i was like OK! lol. so i dropped heather back off at her house and as i was driving to jodi's patrick called my cell and we talked till i got to jodi's house. then i sat in my car for 30 mins. in her driveway talkin to him b/c i don't get service in her house. then jode & i went & got emily and didn't go to bed till around 1-ish. *saturday: woke up at 5:00 and headed to EHS high school to load the buses for a speech & debate tourney. mr. bailey (hannah's bf's dad) let me go w/ them b/c he knows my sister so automatically we hit it off. i love eldon teachers. well the tourney was fun and all but got kinda boring. it started at 7am and didn't end till about 5pm. i met some cool people though (ppl i used to go to school w/ but never really met) and i got to see Cash which was cool. then we got back and went to heather's house to get ready for youth group, and patrick invited me to a card party at justin's house and he offered to pick me up at church :) so he picked me up in his car (it was so cute....it's white and it leaks and could possibly break down at any time..but it's his nonetheless. actually he's getting a truck soon...i'm excited). so we drove out there in high point (where my sister's bf ryan is from) and sat on the couch for about 2 hours watching basketball on tv. lol. it was boring until he came and sat by me on the couch. i played w/ the cat the whole time. then he drove me back to church so i could take my car to heather's. i got 2 more hugs and a "i'll call you if you're lucky" lol...gotta love that kid. *sunday: woke up and went to church w/ heather. saw whitney's parents there..gosh i miss them. aparently by that time word that patrick and i were kinda together again had gotten around. word travels fast in small towns. so after church we drove back to heather's, she went out to lunch w/ her dad (also someone i haven't seen for a while so it was awesome to see him again). i called patrick to see if he wanted to do something..his mom answered and the next time i heard from him was sunday afternoon while i was at kelsey's house. (her sister was celebrating her 18th bday..it was fun). patrick was cutting wood all day and he was taking some to an "old lady" when i talked to him. then he called me back about an hour later and we talked for like 45 mins. but i was being yelled at b/c we had to go to hannah's. (hannah and kelsey live right next to each other...only difference is that hannah lives on a big hill that you have to pray your car can get up. it was quite funny actually). so sunday night me, kelsey, hannah, and whittey were at hannah's and we asked her mom if we could have guys over and of course she gave in..woowoo! lol. i love her mom. justin couldn't come, neither could taylor, and kelsey and terry had just broken up. patrick was really tired so whitney (patrick's cousin) and i drove to his house, which was like 5 mins. away, so he didn't fall asleep at the wheel. he didn't know we were actually coming until we got there. lol. he was laying on the couch watching tv. he is so stinkin cute it's not even funny. ****so eventually i just lay down right beside him. then i got the courage to hold his hand. and he fell asleep right then and there..for like 2 hours. whittey and i watched viva la bam and pimp my ride~lol.**** we finally had to leave and patrick was still half asleep. i almost took his hat b/c he was threatening to wear it earlier and cover up his hair, but i decided not to. got back to hannah's and gave them the speal about what happened. lol. so now pretty much everyone knows that he and i are kinda "together" now i guess you could say. *monday: woke up at 8:45, ate breakfast w/ the girls, left at 10:30 and made it home by 1:15. and here i am.....typing my whole weekend out to you guys. gosh...sorry it's so stinkin long but a lot has happened in the past 3 days and i figured you deserved to know about it~lol. i love you guys! thanks much for readin this. lol....when i got home i told my mom all about patrick. she seemed pretty shocked and all but i could tell it kinda explained some things in her mind. Then while we were at the doctor's office she was telling me how my dad wants to move back down to eldon and buy a horse from marvin when he knows we can't afford it. I almost started crying. i'm gonna try to go down there when my sister does this weekend. "first of all let me just say that you have to marry patrick b/c he has got the coolest hair. second, i've decided you have to marry him b/c then u, me, and matt will all have married poeple from eldon and it'll tick dad off." - quote from my sister. gotta love her. holy crap guys. i'm so in like with patrick and he likes me back. and things are gonna work. this is insane..........
Read 4 comments
i am so happy for you.
you deserve something good like this.
love you sweetie -kelsey
OMG WOOOT!! go manda! gosh im so happy for u...u really deserve this. i hope everything works out!

love ya~cole :D
im glad you are happy. so very glad

i better start letting you go now .. if i dont it WILL kill me

you have played a vital part of my life you have helped me becoem abetter chiristan and freind
good bye

i will make sure to give a head sized heart shaped cookie
ill say my good bye now
AHHH!!!! manda i am soooo excited for you!!! you are soo happy when you talk about and you being the sweetest person ihave ever met deserves things like this!!! it makes me happy when oyu are happy!!! hehe!!! i love you soo much!!!
and thanks for the comment that you left in my diary, i needed that, and you will be on my list of people to confide in!!!
lyl stacee

ahh!!! im so happy for you!!!