tribute to dave

Listening to: dave barnes
Feeling: cheery
i doubt anyone will read this, much less comment on it, b/c readers of my entries have become sparse...but oh well. this entry is dedicated to dave barnes....truly awesome singer/song writer and person in general. 1.05.05 New Jeers Restheloutions You - "Dave, been a long time. Why no new journals in a while?" Me - "Because this can be intimidating. What to say? How to say?" You - "Just be yourself, Dave. Be yourself." Okay. Thanks for the pep talk. You've always been so kind. Mankind. Mank and ind. Ear Ve Go - 1. See movies in the middle of gloomy days by myself. 2. Do a stand up routine somewhere this year - no music, just me. 3. New album. Not albumin. 4. Pursue. 5. Write some articles for something or someone. 6. Be on TV. (Big, i know, but i'll even take - Reporter - "Tell us about the tornado" Me - "It sounded like a train." Note - When I mention "The tornado", I mean a real tornado, not a wrestler. You might be thinking right now, "Dave, who in the world wouldn't know you were talking about a real tornado?" Me, that's who. Though a wrestler that sounded like a train would be freakin sweet. Note to self, if music doesn't work....) 7. Listen to Micah's advice on movies and music. 8. Love Jesus more. 9. Let Jesus love me more. 10. Invent a new word. (Note - Micah and I invented a new number - Shoola. It is between 3 and 4 - we still have to work on the symbol for it. Trust me, it's harder than you think.) 11. Wertz and I finally record a song as our uber rap group The Foreallionaires. 12. Play drums more. Live. For someone else. 13. Laugh more. 14. Be where I am. (Sounds simple, but try it sometime. It can get tricky) 15. Try my best to truly figure out what I need, as opposed to what I would love to have. There are more of these, but these are what I have right now at 12:56pm on Wednesday the 5th of January, 2005. 16. Barnes #34 he thinks so much like me it's scary. lol..he cracks me up. and his music is something else. puts me in a good mood right away. muahahaha...go to and you'll know what i mean...;) ♥manda
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hey amanda! i don't know if u remember me, but this is jake, the weird kid from summit? i moved away. ne wayz, just wanted to say hey. i know i hate it when ppl don't comment on one of my entries. i've never even heard of dave barnes, but ill check him out. ;)
hey gurl!! hows it goin?? pretty good over here just being bored every time i get on u always have ur away message up!! l0l but i understand ur a very busy gurl!! l0l well i better get goin i want 2 go 2 bed!! ttyl *Audrey*
muahahahaha. tee hee.
davey davey barneys barneys, lol.

i love you!

MANDA!!! i love you and i read ur entries!!! lol talk to u later babe, but i have to go study for math...blech!!! lol lyl <3 stacee