...you people talk but you don't even know me...

Feeling: disappointed
-- Name: Jean -- Birth date: August 3, 1987 -- Birthplace: Lake Success, New York -- Current Location: Pennsylvania -- Eye Color: blue -- Hair Color: Brown -- Height: 5'4? -- Righty or Lefty: righty -- Zodiac Sign: Leo LAYER TWO:
-- Your heritage: Irish, Italian, German -- The shoes you wore today: Etnies -- Your weakness: I worry too much -- Your fears: drowning, being burned to death -- Your perfect pizza: supreme -- Goal you'd like to achieve: become a pediatrician LAYER THREE:
-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: haha -- Your thoughts first waking up: I hate getting up at 6.00 -- Your best physical feature: My hair -- Your bedtime: 10-11 -- Your most missed memory: Mike LAYER FOUR:
-- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi -- McDonald's or Burger King: Mickey D’s -- Single or group dates: depends -- Adidas or Nike: Adidas -- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea (raspberry) -- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate -- Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino LAYER FIVE:
-- Smoke: never -- Cuss: too much -- Sing: yes -- Take a shower everyday: Yes -- Have a crush(es): absolutely -- Do you think you've been in love: yes...possibly right now -- Are you seeing someone now: no -- Want to go to college: YES -- Like(d) high school: it was alright -- Want to get married: yes yes yes -- Believe in yourself: sometimes -- Get motion sickness: only once in Australia -- Think you're attractive: no -- Think you're a health freak: no -- Like thunderstorms: only if it’s light out -- Play an instrument: yes LAYER SIX:
In the past month... -- Drank alcohol: no -- Smoked: no -- Done a drug: no -- Had Sex: no -- Made Out: no -- Gone on a date: no -- Gone to the mall?: no -- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no -- Eaten sushi: no -- Been on stage: not professionally, but I’ve been on one -- Been dumped: no -- Gone skating: no -- Made homemade cookies: no -- Gone skinny dipping: no -- Dyed your hair: no -- Stolen anything: nothing major LAYER SEVEN:
Ever... -- Played a game that required removal of clothing: no -- If so, was it mixed company: no -- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no -- Been caught "doing something": no -- Been called a tease: no -- Gotten beaten up: no -- Shoplifted: no -- Changed who you were to fit in: no LAYER EIGHT:
-- Are you hope to be married: yes…you already asked that -- Numbers and Names of Children: 2 girl- Madison boy-Logan, Michael, Edward -- How do you want to die: while I’m sleeping -- Where you want to go to college: NYU, Villanova -- What do you want to be when you grow up: Pediatrician -- What country would you most like to visit: Australia again or Italy LAYER NINE:
-- Best eye color: natural-blue contacts-iolet -- Best hair color: strawberry blonde -- Short or long hair: on girls- long on boys- medium -- Height: medium -- Best weight: on a boy- fit -- Best articles of clothing: shoes! -- Best first date location: movie -- Best first kiss location: doesn’t matter where LAYER TEN:
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 0 -- Number of people I could trust with my life: 5 -- Number of CDs that I own: not too many -- Number of piercing: 0 :( -- Number of tattoos: 0 -- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: ALOT I'm very disappointed in myself....more later
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