Heaven's not a place that you go when you die...it's that moment in life when you actually feel alive
hm...the true definition of Heaven..isn't it so true though? When something happens in your life that makes you oober excited or makes you feel life is worth living, those are the moments that count...rock on spill canvas m/
i love the song 'tide' suchhhh a sad song =( and sunsets and car crashes and all hail the heartbreaker..well all their songs but those three especially.
yea well its always nice to buy something completely useless that you never will use again.
and they are mostly acoustics so thats a plus. i love acoustic stuff
its always nice to get away from all the racket and just hear the guitar strumming and just the singers voice. not that drums are bad because it sounds good either way but its always nice to hear acoustic versions of songs