Ok... so this weekend was sooo much fun... Sat. nite was Jonathan's birthday and my cuz and I stopped by for a little bit... I got to meet some of his friends who were supernice for the most part... it was kinda different hanging out with him and his friends rather than him and my friends... but it wasn't a bad different...
I saw his sister as well, which I only happened to meet the day before thanx to a mutual friend of ours... totally unexpected tho... she's a sweetie tho and I truly like her (not in that fake she's my friend's little sister way)... lol... yeah I am not normal... but anyways...
afterwards we headed to some club that my cuz's brother-in-law owns... it was cool except for the unwanted men that are always seeming to be around me... yay that!
overall, I am exhausted and should be sleeping right now but again I am off to dye my hair yet a new shade of not-natural... lol... anyways... off to the land of L'Oreal...
I love you guys!!! ya tu sabes...
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