quiz thingy from Krysten's Journal...

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wow, so that was kinda suprising... oh and Krys i read ur journal... hope it's ok... ciao I took it twice and got both of these... the first time it was, Take the quiz: "What Kind of Soul Do You Retain?"

You aren't sure how to feel, and this leaves you constantly in distress about what you do and who you are. You are tortured in the fact you can't run OR hide. and the second it was, Take the quiz: "What Kind of Soul Do You Retain?"

You have a very warm and loving aura about your soul and believe in the virtues of Love. To you, there is a bright side to everything! You are the polar opposite of the Dark soul. then i took it again and i was tied with the two... so it means i either have split personalities or well, i am not really sure... lol
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no prob bob!