joey's letters 2

Listening to: doesn't matter
Feeling: forgotten
this is the second one: "I love you! hey hunny, i just got off the phone with you. you are at some midnite rodeo and you had to go check on a friend of yours that you left with some guys. i wish i had the words to describe how your voice makes me feel. no matter what kind of day i've had you always bring a smile to my heart. your voice smoothes over all the anger and frustration that the day has brought me. your sweet words conjure up feelings of happiness and contentement that enpowers me to alieviate the next days misgivings. without your caring words of encouragement and wisdome, life would be an indescribable torment. you have given me somethign to strive for every day, a reason to wake up and take my next breath. my life would be empty if it weren't for you. as i write this i can hear the wind howling outside, the pouring rain beats relentlessly on my window, but i feel safe in my room. Jacky in you is where i seek my shelter from the torrential downpour of the daily grind, in you i find the peace and strength that maintains my sanity. your love pushes me to overcome even the most difficult tasks. baby i cannot thank you enough. you will never know what a positive impact you have made on my life. they say "home is where the heart is" so i know every night when i fall asleep i'm one day closer to bringing my home to me cause my heart is with you and im counting the seconds until i can hold you again. i am forever in your debt. thank you. ~ joey"
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