51days, but who's counting.... lol

Listening to: Tim McGraw
Feeling: excited
the only thing left is to either borrow the money from my dad to go or work my butt off and save...and ask them if its ok if i go... i hope they say yes b/c i'd hate to go w/out their blessing... that's right... i'd go anyways... where you ask? Minot ND of course!!! i'm gonna spend thanksgiving with my honey i hope!!! and i can't wait... it's his anniversary today... lol... yes his!!! no, not mine too... he counts today as being our anniversary... but i dont'... not yet... i have another date in mind that i need to run past him... then either we can pick from the two or choose another third one that we both like... i know it doesn't matter until we get married and then we can't choose the date... or change it... it's just the date on which we got married... but until then i want to make it a special day that we both remember as being just that... i know way too much thought into it, but until now i didn't care about anniversaries or any of that stuff... it was just whenever... but he did have a point... if we don't decide on one then it'll become an issue later... ok on to another subject... Sue Anne... i know it should just be another entry altogether but i am having issues with this one... last week joey told me about the situation with sue anne... here goes... first off... sue anne is terry's old girlfriend... right... well when i was up there (in ND) i could tell that i wasnt' her favorite person in the world... i didn't say anything cuz it was none of my business at the time... now it has become my business... it seems as though the situation is that sue anne has set her eyes on MY BOYFRIEND... which is fine and i knew it before he did, but the fact that she is acting on it is starting to piss me off... i can't get mad at joey or be mad with him on the phone b/c it's not his fault... but first she tries to kiss him while drunk (this while she's still w/terry) and then gets into bed w/him, and now is trying to kiss him again... i understand that she may be confused b/c he's not being an asshole to her even tho he has a right to be one b/c of what she's been saying and doing lately but NO!!! enough!!! i have no doubt in my mind that joey wouldn't fall for her little games or bullshit (she tried to make him think that i was all paranoid and worried that he was cheating on me and thinking of leaving me) i am not and he's not... it's not even anything close to that... i'm sorry her relationship didn't work out but hey deal... but it is annoying when people try to pull you into their little "drama"... i hate drama and refuse to get pulled into it... but i am not going to sit passively and watch her try to screw my boyfriend and screw me over... i am a very very patient person but i will scratch her eyes out and leave them out for the birds to eat and then direct them to peck at the gaping holes left behind if she tries anything bigger than these little schoolgirl tactics... like i told joey i dont' threaten... i warn... (FYI: i am not going to physically hurt her ever... but when i am done with her emotionally, she'll wish i had!) ok... enough said... like i used to tell my bestfriend... i am nice and pleasant to people, you can even walk all over me at times and i'll be tranquil... but mess with my family or loved ones and i'll rip you apart piece by piece defending those i love!!! even if i go down in flames with the enemy... she's not the enemy yet and for her sake i hope she doesn't become one either... ok done!!! lol not sure i am gonna leave this one public... could get accused of attempted something or another... like i said no actual physical hurt... but we all know what the "family business" is right guys??? silly boys... it's real estate!!! ;) ciao gotta get up to wake up my honey in a couple hours... yay!!! i love him sooo much!!!
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