I'm so hated by my sister it's disgusting she wants to beat me to a bloody pulp i swear she does. I dont want anything from her. Im so hurt. I feel nothing. I could hit my head on my desk and not really feel it. I am nothing I feel nothing I want to float away into the nothingness. It'd be so perfect and feel so right if only I could ya know. Just get away from it all. All the shit that seems to be in my life. I have no reason to live. No reason to be here. My family isnt really a family. We're all fake. I HATE being fake. Their is absolutly nothing worse then being fake. I have spent the past 4 yrs wearing a happy face so ppl will think im ok when im really dying inside. It's as if no one cares at all. I think it would be better if i was dead then i decide i better not cuz who will watch ova my lil brother oh well...

You're depressed. Really you are. And you
definitely have a reason. You often space out
and stare at things blankly, even if you're
normally hyper and energetic. This is because
nothing really seems important anymore. You
might just be sad right now, or you might be
manic depressive. Don't worry. Have some cocoa
and stuff'll be ok.
How Depressed are You? brought to you by Quizilla