I miss alyssa it sux when ur best friend lives forever away and u dont have her number nemore cuz ur fuckin phone erased it :( maybe she'll call b4 dis weekend cuz we are gettin our number changed so if she doesnt i dont know if ill be able to get a hold of her again :'(
went to da game yesterday and they won its now 7-0 the perfect season so far we havent done this in about 20 yrz matthew was tellin me bout it while he was takin me home b4 we were goin home he went to get me and dante cherry limades and it took us 30 minz and she started yellin at us tryin to be mad but it was crackin us up just watchin her then i yelled at them for yellin at each other cuz i was kinda sittin in between them and it was odd... lol but i must run and try and find alyssa's numba ~*Libby*~

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