This just clicked i hate myself right now for this today on the bus i was sittin behind tiff and her sleeve fell down and casey saw it, a big red scratch that was bruised all aroud, and he was like what happened and her eyes just looked filled with pain... she pulled her sleeve down and was like nothin nothing how could i be so happy when this is happening! I wnat to protect her i want to save her but everything i do isnt enough like Casey hits her alot and ill get all up in his face and yell at him like there's no tomorrow but i cant do that with her dad....
I dont know what to do anymore i feel so weak and helpless i hate this feeling i thought it stopped happening I thought she didnt have to worry bout it nemore I guess i thought wrong im shaking really bad i need a hug in the worst way I hate her dad and dont even know him I never use to think u could have an enemy w/o knowing them but now i know u can... ~*Libby*~