Naughty poems hehe

Listening to: sarah talkin
Feeling: nauseous
#1 Kissing is a habit Fucking is a game Guys get all the pleasure Girls get all the pain The guy says i love you You believe its true But when your tummy starts to swell, He says 'to hell with you' 10 minutes of pleasure 9 months in pain 3 days in hospital A baby without a name The baby is a bastard The mother is a whore This never wouldve happened If the rubber hadnt torn #2 Smoke a smoke Not a butt Fuck a virgin Not a slut. #3 Holy mother, full of grace Bless my boyfriend's gorgeous face Bless his hair that tends to curl Keep him safe from all the girls Bless his arms that are so strong Keep his hands where they belong Bless his dick, the one i sucked Bless the bed, in which we fucked And if my Mom happened to walk in Bless the shit I'd be in. #4 Roses are red, Violets are corny, When I think of you Ohh baby I get horny, Eat me, Beat me, Bite me, Blow me, Suck me, Fuck me, Very slowly, if you kiss me, dont be sassy, Use your tongue and make it nasty!!!! #5 Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue... I'm In Love But Not With You... When We Broke Up You Thought I Cried But All It Was... Was Another Guy, You Told Your Friends That I Was A Trick, I Told Mine That You Had A Weak Dick... I Said I Loved You And You Thought It Was True, But Guess What Baby?! You Got Played Too!! #6 Mental anxiety, Mental breakdowns, Menstrual cramps, Menopause... Did you ever notice how all our problems begin with MEN!
Read 10 comments
My goodness those are dirty! LOL...Talk to you later!
hmm... im offended by that last one. haha. the rest were ok. and yes, my life revolves around pancakes, even though i havent had any in like 6 months. haha. jonny boy.
haha! eats the 1000 pancakes you made me! woot.. my life has been saved, thanks. haha. jonny boy.

p.s. i wasn't really ofended. haha.
haha... dude, DO YOU KNOW HOW SCRAWNY I AM. i need to take my time with the pancakes haha. woOt. jonny boy.
go's nuts!! MY PANCAKES!! noooo. haha. thats ok... *throws another 2 pancakes your way* jonny boy.
EAT MY PANCAKES!! haha. jonny boy.
very very bad
bad, in a good way...
well, i've heard those, but its been a while, so they made me laugh! yEAh.. anywho, b-jay and i are fine.. i'll write about it this afternoon in my diary.. so... just wanted to let you know that we were actually ok.. and that i was wrong!!! :) **sings** I still have a boyfriend!! lalalalalalalaaaaaaaaa!! **stops singing!*
enter some new ones i do think that these poems are off the hook but put in some new ones aight peace out