*Everyday is so wonderful... then suddenly its hard to breathe... now and then i get insecure from all the pain I'm so ashamed*
This has got to be my song... I feel like this all the time :/
I decided to change my diary to look how i feel... i think i did it well...
I think I'm going to tell "him" that he can no longer tickle me like he does. I wonder if he'll ask why I hope not. I dont know what I'll tell him if he does. Well I need to go do my homework. First time this yr i do it b4 school aren't ya proud? ~*Libby*~

Dark goddes. You are responsible for all thats bad
and evil in the world. Some would say you were
let out of Pandoras box
What beutiful goddess are you?(with anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
OR get someone bigger to beat them up...