im so tired ive been sleepin since probably 3 and muh girl renee was suppose to take me drinkin now im sure yall look at my age and start given me a lecture but dis is tx remember! lol and i know dats no excuse but wtf who cares i probably wouldnt drink newayz id be da one takin care of her cuz i worry bout her and dont want her doin nething i would do yea today i was talkin to alex at ficshers and all hes muh buddy and everytime he sees me he gives me dis real big brotherly hug its great well Cassie comes by and we were talkin bout my sister and shes like libbys worse then her sister and im like yea i am and cassie goes yea ur a ho and im like uhh no im not and she goes well i heard somethin bout u and some saint jo guyz and im like and what was dis cuz i neva do nething with saint jo guyz and ive neva even dated a saint jo guy so id appreciate it if u explained and she goes well who was ur last boyfriend and im like he was from lindsay and she goes well i heard u were makin out with him somewhere and im like well im sure you've kissed your boyfriends so u must be a bigger ho then i could eva be cuz i just got my first kiss from him then she turned red and alex was like yea really c'mon itd be different if she just kissed some random guy then cassie left and hes like u dont kiss just random guyz do you? lol it was funny but irritating im tryin to figure out why ppl think im a ho and shit of dat sort ive only kissed 2 guyz and i kissed both of them dis summer and da first guy i kissed was like why do u keep pushin me away and thought id kissed like a million guyz b4 him i dont get why dat is i mean ppl think im pretty and ive had some boyfriends but we neva did nething cuz i wasnt ready for dat kinda relationship or commitment for that matter *sigh* i just wish i understood dis betta....

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